
Showing posts from December, 2017


This past week really has been "like Christmas" for me.  Mark and I both have the week off for Christmas vacation and, even though the wind chills have been in the single digits, we've managed to get out on our mountain bikes for a couple of very cold, but equally amazing, rides...both of which were in locations I had never ridden before.  Two super cool, and unexpected, presents. The intersection of Old Farm Trail and Ridge Trail at Gifford Pinchot State Park. -- December 27, 2017  That's been a theme for me in 2017.  Since April, when I was cleared by my doctor to begin riding my bike again, I've mountain biked in six new places:  Codorus State Park, Stony Valley RR Trail, The Parkway Trails in Harrisburg, Tuscarora State Forest, Gifford Pinchot State Park, and even in the City of York.  Over the past eight months I've also revisted trails that I haven't ridden for almost a the York County Heritage Rail Trail and Ohiopyle State Park...


It's cold outside right now.  Really cold.  The kind of cold that, regardless of whatever "cold weather" gear I put on, pretty much limits any ride to just about an hour...which is about how long it takes my toes to freeze.  Once my toes freeze...I'm done riding.  I usually go riding once or twice during the week between Christmas and New Year's Day.  This week I managed to ride three days in a row.  Three extremely cold days...and three very cool rides!   Wrapping up a super cool urban mountain bike ride in the city of York, PA. -- December 26, 2017 On Tuesday morning I sent Mark a text to see if he wanted to take a cold ride.  He suggested that I meet him at his house in York City for an "urban" ride.  What I was treated to was a ten mile ride zipping in and out of the city of York...which was split evenly between pavement and off road.  I've lived in York County since 1995, but I've never seen the city from this perspect...


I take thousands of pictures every year.  It's kind of my thing...along with mountain biking, hiking, and  teaching history.  I have absolutely no formal training in the art of when I take (what I think is a really cool photo) it is simply by chance.  Picture taking while mountain biking and hiking serves the duel purpose of allowing me to slow down and rest my "recently operated on" back while also helping me to preserve some really awesome memories.  After looking through all of the pictures that I've taken while biking and hiking over the past year I found a baker's dozen that I am particularly proud of.  These thirteen pictures, in my opinion, are the ones that best highlight and preserve the beauty and awesomeness of the outdoors in which I love to spend so much of my time. are (in no special order) my favorite pictures of 2017. Enjoy! I took this ultra cool pic of my Stumpjumper while riding Ridgeline Trail in...