We all have our "thing." That one thing you love to do and helps form your identity. Personally, my "thing" is mountain biking....but it's not my only "thing." There are so many interests and likes that make up who I am. People who know me well are fully aware that I'm a complete nerd when it comes to history and visiting historical sites. I love to read (non-fiction). I love to hike, camp, and just spend time outdoors. Coincidentally, there are some passions I've outgrown...collecting comic books and (people who knew me prior to 10 years ago will find this unbelievable) watching football are two that come to mind. Just as I've outgrown some things...I've also discovered new "things" that bring me enjoyment. Often, it's completely what I found out about myself when Robin and I went on our honeymoon to Montreal in 2013. Robin and I at the top of the Montreal Tower observatory in Olympic ...