
Showing posts from August, 2016


I'm at my worst when I'm inactive.  It's not just that I feel sluggish or out of shape...I feel about as close as I get to depressed.  I just don't do well when when either my mind or my body isn't stimulated.  My wife often says that I get more done in a day than anyone she knows.  I don't know how true that is...but I do belief that for me, at least, it's a survival technique.  It's one of the reasons I love mountain biking so much.  Nothing else can make both my body and my mind work so much at the same time.  It's impossible to daydream while mountain biking...and I sure as hell can't slouch off a whole heck of a lot. Taking a break with Kristian on Gargamel's Trail near Mountain Creek in Michaux State Forest -- August 28, 2016 It's proven that exercise will increase the levels of serotonin and dopamine in the brain and helps with the production of endorphins.   That's a pretty fancy way of saying what I've always kn...

HAPPY HOUR -- August 26, 2016

My favorite way to celebrate the end of the work week is to take a bike ride.  Not a long one...just a ride.  It's my "happy hour."  I often tell people I have an addictive personality.  I'm pretty much "all in" when I decide to do something.  It's a great quality to have when it comes to things like relationships, teaching , and cycling.  Not so great when it comes to other things like I just stay away from the stuff.  Instead, my drug of choice, is my bike.  It's really weird.  No matter how tired I am at the end of a school day...strapping on my helmet and turning those pedals rejuvenates me and gets me ready for a great evening out with my wife.   So, with the kiddos gone for the weekend and date night planned for later this evening, I rode off for thirteen miles of relaxation, exercise, stress relief, and a clear head.  That's my kind of happy hour.   I took a break to admire the view from behind...

TUESDAY'S GONE -- August 18, 2016

Ten years ago, when I first started riding in Michaux State Forest , Mark, Glenn, Tim, and the rest of the group were kind enough to accommodate me by riding extremely early in the morning so I wouldn't take too much time away from my son who, at the time, was only seven years old.  I'm beyond that stage in life now...but now it's Timmy's turn.  With his hectic work and family schedule he's only able to get about one ride in a week.  Now it's my turn accommodate him.  So...for the past few years during the summer months...we have a standing Tuesday mountain bike date each week.  Sometimes it's just Tim and I...but this summer was special.  The summer of 2016 saw the return of Glenn, Kristian, Mikey, & Bill...Mark was able to make most of the rides...and Matt was able to get time away and join us a couple of times.  Regardless of who is in the group, our Tuesday rides have become one of the things I look forward to each and every week...and I'm hap...

KEEPING AN EYE ON THE CORN Part 2 -- August 15, 2016

Just as the steam rising from PPL Power Plant helps me gauge the direction and speed of the wind during my bike rides...the height of the corn in the the fields of central Pennsylvania helps me gauge my summer break.  As I wrote earlier this summer...I first heard the phrase " knee-high by the Fourth of July " from my father.'s safe to say that the local corn has hit it's peak which least for me...another school year is about to start.  Personally, I really don't mind heading back to school .  As a matter of fact, my biggest pet peeve is listening to people I work with gripe about it.  We are giving 3 amazing gifts:  June--July--August.  I try to make the most of all three of them.  When I can't mountain bike...I head out on the road.  What I find is sometimes just as breathtaking.  Here are a some of my favorite road cycling pics from the summer of 2016.  Enjoy! Keeping a eye on the corn .   ...

THE MICHAUX I LOVE -- August 12, 2016

Eight miles to the southwest of Pine Grove Furnace State Park and near the top of Shippensburg Road...right in the middle of Michaux State Forest will find the Big Flat Parking Area .  Big Flat offers access to multiple ATV and snowmobile trails that are in the area.  It'll also...if you're brave enough...provide a mountain bike ride that you soon won't forget!  I know, for a fact, that today was the first time in almost eight years I began a ride at Big Flat.  Partly because the starting point is near the top of the mountain...which means that the ride will inevitably end with a good climb...and partly because there is no way I am physically capable of riding this kind of terrain all the the time! My 2004 Silverado parked in the Big Flat Parking Area located in Michaux State Forest -- August 12, 2016 Thing is... today's ride with Mark and Nate was a great reminder of what Michaux is...and why I love it so much.  Riding the trails in this se...