
Showing posts from January, 2017


There's a small section of trail located at the base of trail #7 at Rocky Ridge County Park that I have NEVER successfully ridden.  As a matter of fact, the only person that I've ever seen pedal over that rock garden is Mikey Nardelli...and he made it look like child's play.  There are some trails and obstacles just aren't worth it.  I think the older I get the more I appreciate my health, my body, my family, and life!  A good sense of fear can sometimes be a good thing and I find no shame in sometimes saying, "I'll hike this one."   Riding a log build up at Patapsco Valley State Park , Maryland -- July 19, 2011 Through the years, all of our skill levels have increased exponentially.  I can remember, years ago, watching Mark and Tim descend down hills that I never in my life would think were possible to ride. I've seen Kristian hop his mountain bike from obstacle to obstacle with incredible grace.  I've witnessed Mikey ride,...


With new cycling socks in hand, and heading for the checkout at Hunters & Gatherers , I spotted a brown sign on the wall.  "ADVICE FROM A SQUIRREL." It wasn't the only sign of the kind...apparently you can get advice from just about any from any furry, four-legged creature...but, seeing that I was in Brevard, North Carolina, a mecca of mountain biking (and the home of the White Squirrel ), this sign, in particular, grabbed my attention. These seven simple sentence, provided by a squirrel, could be called "The Mountain Biker's Mantra." They reminded me of why I love mountain biking and it instantly became obvious to me how each of them are relevant to my passion.  Seven pieces of wisdom that I believe...if adhered to...could have the ability elevate an ordinary ride into something extra special.   So...without any further is some advice I accidentally learned from a squirrel.   LOOK BOTH WAYS BEFORE CROSSING THE STREET Not somet...


I'm probably the most focused when I'm on my bicycle.  Still, even when I'm turning the pedals, MY FASCINATION WITH SQUIRRELS often pulls my attention towards unexpected roadside attractions.  It's okay...I don't ride for KOMs (that's "King Of The Mountain" for those non-STRAVA people out there)...I ride because it's a passion and I want to have fun.  Pausing to investigate all the stuff which is often easily missed by those who fly past it the highway allows me the opportunity to get engage my inner-nerd, enhance my ride, feed my passion, and add to my enjoyment.  So, in no particular order, here are just a few of the super kool (and sometimes completely unexpected things) I've come across on my many bicycle breaks.  Enjoy! You'll find this grave of an unknown Confederate soldier along the Susquehanna River in York County, Pennsylvania just north or Wrightsville.  The solder would have been a member of Jubal Early 's divisio...