My first option is ALWAYS mountain biking. It's my passion...but, especially during the late winter months, not always an option. The days are too short and, most likely, the local county parks are closed to mountain bike riding because of the conditions. Due to the limited daylight hours, and the distance needed to travel, the local state parks are still out of the question for afternoon mountain bike rides. Normally, if mountain biking is off of the table, I'll default to my road bike. Unfortunately, during this time of year, snow and ice and winter muck tend to creep onto the Pennsylvania roads. Along with the rock salt and gravel spread across the asphalt by PennDOT, road cycling, in my neck of the woods, becomes sketchy (at best) during the winter months. Out for a road ride with my mountain bike in York County, Pennsylvania. -- February 8, 2018 Ten years ago, during this time of year, I would have hung up my bike and just went jo...