A while back, my chiropractor (and friend), Dr. Nunn, made the suggestion that I start doing yoga. Like most things in my life, I hemmed and hawed about it for quite some time. I guess my basic concern was that I would make an ass of myself. Eventually, I found an "at home" yoga channel on YouTube that was perfect for me. I was able to prove Doctor Nunn does make me feel better...without publicly subjecting anyone to my "downward dog." My little at home YOGA WITH ADRIENE sessions have been very beneficial for me...but there is a phrase that is often repeated in those sessions that have weighed on me... "Find Your Authentic Self." What, exactly, is my "authentic self?" I think I am at my most "authentic self" when I am with my wonderful wife, Robin. She is the one who stands by my side and sees all aspects of my authentic highs and lows...the good and the bad...and still chooses to love me through ...