
Showing posts from February, 2019


I'll admit that I've spent a lot of the winter window shopping at the bike shop.  Fortunately for me (and my wallet) there really isn't anything major that I need to purchase this year for mountain biking.   Currently, I'm three years into a four to five year commitment with my bike (which I still love).  Likewise, no new helmet this year...I can't yet seem to part ways with the florescent green helmet I purchased in 2017.  I'm at the point where a new pair of mountain biking shoes wouldn't be unreasonable...but besides the typical small stuff that needs to be replenished (CO2 cartridges, orange energy chews, and a few extra tubes) I think that I'm pretty much set for Spring riding. The snowy hillside and low sun angle make for a cool background in this pic.  My Stumpjumper on the trails behind the Hershey Medical Center.  No need to replace it yet!  -- February 16, 2019 It's February in Pennsylvania...statistically, the coldest and sno...


 January and February tend to provide a lot of sleet, rain, snow, ice, and bone chilling weather here in York County, Pennsylvania. For sure, not ideal conditions for biking...but, I made a commitment to opt outside as much as possible in 2019...and I'm sticking with it. Conditions and time have kept me from heading to the local county parks to mountain bike.  Likewise, gravel and rock salt have kept me (for the most part) off of my road bike.  Still, as I came to realize last winter, I have plenty of  OPTIONS  to get out and do what I love to do. I took advantage of  the extra couple hours of daylight and rode my mountain bike along and around the train tracks in Manchester, PA after school let out early in anticipation of a pending snow storm. -- January 19, 2019 An Arctic blast hit the northeast late last month.  The first "snow day" I had this school year wasn't for was for the downright frigid temperatures.  Temps so cold...