I'll admit that I've spent a lot of the winter window shopping at the bike shop. Fortunately for me (and my wallet) there really isn't anything major that I need to purchase this year for mountain biking. Currently, I'm three years into a four to five year commitment with my bike (which I still love). Likewise, no new helmet this year...I can't yet seem to part ways with the florescent green helmet I purchased in 2017. I'm at the point where a new pair of mountain biking shoes wouldn't be unreasonable...but besides the typical small stuff that needs to be replenished (CO2 cartridges, orange energy chews, and a few extra tubes) I think that I'm pretty much set for Spring riding. The snowy hillside and low sun angle make for a cool background in this pic. My Stumpjumper on the trails behind the Hershey Medical Center. No need to replace it yet! -- February 16, 2019 It's February in Pennsylvania...statistically, the coldest and sno...