
Showing posts with the label Longwood Gardens


My Aunt Debby once told me that my grandfather, George Morosky, loved to take pictures...and that he had a camera with him all of the time.  Grandpap passed away in 1984 when I was only 10 years old. I still have fond memories of him which include morning Hungry Jack pancakes, daily walks, and spitting watermelon seeds into the grass on hot summer evenings...but I don't remember the camera.  Yet, as I began combing through my family pics from the 70s and 80s looking for a good picture of Grandpap George and me I began to see it...Grandpap and his camera at Kennywood...Grandpap and his camera at Christmas Eve gathering...Grandpap with is camera hanging around his neck just about everywhere. Grandpap George Morosky at Kennywood Park.  My cousin, Josh, is standing next to him and my brother, Jake, is in the foreground on the right. -- Summer 1982 I love pictures, too.  I have no idea if that love was somehow passed on to me by my grandfather...but I think i...


One of my college professors once said that the three best perks about being a teacher are June, July, and August.  I'm not sure if that is true...there are so many aspects of my job that are incredibly rewarding...but I have to admit that I do love my summers.  My boss likes tells us to use our summers for rest, relaxation, and rejuvenation.  The amount of actual "rest and relaxation" I gave myself the past few months is up for debate...but I can definitely check off the rejuvenate box.  And so, with August rapidly coming to a close, Labor Day just around the corner, and the 2019/2020 school year already in full swing...I'm beginning to take stock of just how many ways I've had to rejuvenate mind and body over the past three months. .   Enjoying an amazing hike to Black Rock Summit near Skyline Drive in Virginia. -- July 20, 2019 It's a poorly kept secret that I ride my bike as much as I can during the summer months...but there are so many ot...