Backtracking is something that use to bother me...especially when mountain biking. I'm not sure if it was a sense of failure..."Crap...we went the wrong way...we need to head back"...or if I just simply liked looking at my Garmin and Strava maps and seeing a big loop tracing my route. Backtracking, however, can be helpful. By teaching me where NOT to ride, that sense of "failure" that I mentioned earlier can also serve as a learning tool...or, in some cases, it can even introduce a whole new path that can be taken on future rides and hikes. As of recently, backtracking has become increasingly part of my rides. Riding the same trail in opposite directions changes everything about it...the view is different, the ups and downs are reversed, and the twists and turns flow differently...completely altering the usual dynamic of the trail. Taking a break during an incredibly peaceful solo ride at Rocky Ridge County Park . -- December 23, 2019 As 2019 sl...