
Showing posts from July, 2017


When one thinks of mountain biking...Harrisburg, Pennsylvania is not the first thing that comes to mind.  About a year ago, when Mark told me that there was single track along the Capital Area Green Belt , I was more than a little skeptical.  Over the last two years, SAMBA (Susquehanna Area Mountain Biking Association) has converted the wooded areas around the Green Belt into the Parkway Trails Network...some of the most surprisingly cool mountain bike single track in the area!  There's definately an urban feel to it...nearly 10 miles of trail, which enter and exit from the Green Belt, ranging from intermediate level to expert.  The Parkway Trails blend the natural, wooded areas along Spring Creek with the urban setting of Pennsylvania's capital city, Harrisburg.  After adding the rail trail section of the Green Belt (which connect the trail network) you can easily pedal for more than 15 miles!   My 2016 Specialized Stumpjumer resting on the wall nex...


 Taking a hike on our wedding anniversary has become a super cool tradition for Robin and I.  Last year, we found ourselves exploring the waterfalls in Dupont State Forest, North Carolina.  The year before that we explored Grand Bahama Island.  Heck, I even proposed to her after hiking to the top of Tumbling Run in Michaux State Forest.  I love that we both enjoy the beauty of the outdoors and that we take time to make life-long memories. With Rainbow Falls providing an excellent backdrop...Robin and I pose for a picture on our 4th anniversary -- July 21, 2017 Exploring High Falls in Dupont State Forest , N.C. on our 3rd anniversary -- July 21, 2016 Exploring Grand Bahama Island on our 2nd wedding anniversary -- July 21, 2015 Last week, on our anniversary, Robin and I experienced the awe-inspiring sights of Watkins Glen State Park in New York.  I've been to New York City a few times...Cooperstown with my son a few years ago...but, unt...


When I was a child, my parents often would take my brother and I to the water slides at Raystown Lake .  It was always something I looked forward to.  As an adult, I usually make the 2+ hour drive back to Raystown...not for the water slides (I'm not even sure if they are still there)...but to ride the Allegrippis Trail system on the northwest side of the lake. Dave Raymond riding along Hydo Loop near Raystown Lake -- July 11, 2017 The most important thing I've learned on my four trips to ride Allegrippis is that...with more than thirty miles of trails, created as a series of stacked loops in a collaborative between the Army Corps of of Engineers and the International Mounain Bike Association , and designed specifically for mountain's super easy to get carried away!  Tim found this out first hand when, while riding Ray's Revenge, his tires kicked out from underneath him shooting him a few feet down the embankment.  It's not for a lack of warni...


Mark and I pushed our ride time back to 9AM yesterday with the hope of hitting a small, rain-free window of time during what was predicted to be a soggy day.  We even decided to change our destination and headed towards Michaux State Forest .  As we got off of the exit ramp of Interstate 81, I noticed a sign for Colonel Denning State Park ...pointing in the opposite direction of our destination. Turning to Mark, I asked if there was any riding there.  With no hesitation, and with the rain coming down, Mark turned his car away from Michaux.  It was the beginning of one heck of a day. I love this pic of Mark...riding in the clouds somewhere on Bower Mountain Road -- July 6, 2017 Colonel Denning State Park is located in Doubling Gap (named for the turn in Blue Mountain as it doubles back on itself)...adjacent to Tuscarora State Forest .  Mark and I used the parking area at Colonel Denning as our starting point...but we spent the bulk of our day mountain ...