
Just a little less than a month ago I said goodbye to another group of history students . My parting, end-of-the-school-year advice changes from year to year...but this year it seemed very relevant and well received. I basically just reminded my students that they only have one life to live. I asked them to make a commitment over the summer to go outside and watch life through their own eyes...not someone else's life through a screen. I asked them to go outside and create their own story...don't sit and binge watch someone else's story on Netflix. Just days after school let out I was completely stoked when I crossed paths with one of my students (on his bicycle) while I was riding Rocky Ridge with Chris Keller. Personally, I love when parents of my students tag me in photos of super cool places they visit over summer break. After a year of seemingly non-stop testing (tests, by the way, most adults would have trouble passing) it's great to see ...