Life is one step in front of the other. For those of us who mountain bike life can be described as the the continuous cranking of the pedals. No matter if you choose to take a hike or to ride a's that sense of beauty, exhilaration, fun, and inspiration that propels us forward down the trail. But...what about that trail that passes beneath our feet and disappears under our rolling tires? I can't believe that I'm the only person who has ever paused to wonder who originally blazed it? Who maintains it? What historic figures may have traveled on it? And...if the trail could talk...what would it say?... what stories could it tell?... and what advice would it give? Possibly something as simple as this: WALK INTO BEAUTY STAY ON YOUR PATH FIND INSPIRATION AROUND EVERY TURN TREAD LIGHTLY PACK LIFE WITH GOOD MEMORIES EVERY DAY HAS IT'S UPS AND DOWNS WATCH YOUR STEP! Enjoy! ADVICE FROM A TRAIL -- YOUR TRUE NATURE WALK I...