Leading Matt and Tim on a crisscross ridge adventure in Michaux State Forest -- June 21, 2022 Mountain biking with your friends is great group therapy. There is nothing like hitting the trails and heading off into the woods to lose your mind and find your soul. There are conversations to be had, stories to be told, laugher to be shared, and trails to be shred. There's not a care in the world...unless you are the ride leader. You know, the guy who ultimately knows where you are, where you've been, where you are going, how you are going to get there, how long it will take you to get there, and (at any given moment) can point and say "our vehicles are parked over there." It's a lot of added responsibility. Leading the way in Patapsco Valley State Park. -- December 28, 2021 Taking the lead for our annual ugly sweater ride in Hershey. Left to right: Matt L, Dave R, Ben K, Matt W -- December 11, 2021 I've been that guy for the past few years and I ki...