With a huge smile on her face and a look of amazement in her eyes, my 12 year old neice, Jackie, explored the area around Cucumber Falls in Ohiopyle State Park . Jackie had never been to a place like this and she was absolutely loving it. My wife, Robin, and I had a camping trip planned (my third in the past five weeks) for the last weekend of June. This also coincided with when our nieces, Jackie & Sophie, and my nephew, Isaac, would be visiting from Arizona. So...instead of just the two of us...Robin and I thought we'd share our love of camping and nature with the kids. My niece, Jackie Raymond, taking in the beauty of Cucumber Falls in Ohiopyle State Park. -- June 30, 2018 It's been quite a while since I've been camping with kids...so this time around there were no ambitious hikes planned, no white water rafting trips down the Youghiogheny, and no mountain biking involved. Instead, Robin and I packed a few games, a frisbee, and a ton of gr...