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Traditionally, Tuesdays, in the summer, are set aside for riding with Tim. It's the only day of the week he has off we maintain a standing date for a weekly ride. Our rides, this summer, weren't very long...but what we lacked in miles we more than made up for with adventure, mud, rain, rocks, and exploration!
Posing with my bike at my favorite vista in Michaux State Forest. Photo by Tim Sindlinger. -- August 14, 2018
Tim and I set out for six Tuesday mountain bike rides over the course of the last few months...five in Michaux State Forest and one trip to the Parkway Trail System in Harrisburg. Unlike the summer of 2016, we weren't plagued with mechanical issues (we only experienced two flats this summer) and, unlike the summer of 2017, we saw very little wildlife (with the exception of the typical squirrels and deer). As in years past...the more the merrier! Tim's buddy, Adam, joined us for our ride on the Parkway Trails. Ben (a former student of mine and now co-worker at Gung Ho Bikes), along with Matt and Brent, each joined us for a ride in Michaux...adding to the dynamics, conversation, adventure, and fun.
For our first Tuesday ride of the summer, Tim and I rode up to the vista in Michaux State Forest. -- June 12, 2018
Riding through Tom's Run creek in Michaux State Forest. Photo by Tim Sindlinger. -- June 12, 2018
Tim and I paused to ride the rocks while climbing up to the vista in Michaux State Forest. -- June 12, 2018
This was the only Tuesday that Tim and I did not go to Michaux. He had never ridden the Parkway Trails in we made that our destination for our second ride of the summer. Tim took this pic of me coming out of the trees and under the power lines. Super cool! -- June 26, 2018
Riding the single track that runs near the Harrisburg incinerator...Tim spotted Bambi stuck in the fence. It took him a while, but Tim was able to get the little guy free. -- June 26, 2018
Adam using his momentum to crest a small hill below the Harrisburg Incinerator. -- June 26, 2018
Riding one of the many log build ups on the Paxtang side of the Parkway Trails. Photo by Tim Sindlinger. -- June 26, 2018
Sometimes it's easy to forget, while riding the Parkway Trails, that you are in the middle of the City of Harrisburg. Graffiti, like this, is a good reminder! -- June 26, 2018
Pausing along the trail, in Michaux State Forest, to fix Tim's flat tire. Left to Right: Ben Kelly, Tim Sindlinger, Dave Raymond. -- July 10, 2018
Tim Sindlinger riding over some downed white pines. -- July 10, 2018
Ben Kelly making stuff I can't ride look pretty easy! -- July 10, 2018
On this ride, with Ben and Tim, I took this pic of the rhododendron blooming along Mountain Creek. -- July 10, 2018
Tuesday, July 31, was probably the most tropical ride of the year...and the only ride that Matt was able to join us on. Great to have you with us, Red Beard. Hope we can connect more next summer. This pic was taken at the end of my favorite rock garden near the top of Slate Road. Left to right: Tim Sindlinger, Dave Raymond, Matt Linnane. -- July 31, 2018
On July 31, normal stream crossings were as swollen as I've ever seen them. Not so bad that we couldn't ride it, though! (Maybe this is why I recently needed to put a new bottom bracket in my bike.) Matt Linnane in Michaux State Forest. -- July 31, 2018
Matt showing off proper tire inflation techniques after being the victim of the second of our two flat tires this summer. -- July 31, 2018
Taking a short break at the Cumberland/Adams County line while riding through the clouds in Michaux State Forest. -- July 31, 2018
Tuesday, August 7, was a day that Tim and I had decided to revisit a section of the forest that we hadn't ridden in over 10 years. The week before, I had, from the corner of my eye, noticed ATV trail #33 which descends off of Slate Road. I remembered it being pretty difficult...and it was. The huge pay off was getting to ride off of Bear Knob...a great section of the forest...and one that I just don't visit nearly enough. Dave Raymond and Tim Sindlinger. -- August 7, 2018
Tim riding off of Bear Knob in Michaux State Forest. -- August 7, 2018
Another super cool pic from this summer...I took this photo of Tom's Run as Tim and I were wrapping up our ride. -- August 7, 2018
Super cool to have Brent join us for what would be the last (and best) ride of the summer. Left to right: Tim Sindlinger, Dave Raymond, Brent Shirk. -- August 14, 2018
While riding Ridge Road, Tim, Brent, and I spotted a trail leading into an area on top of the ridge that led off into a recently logged area of the forest. It proved to be one of the coolest trails of the day! -- August 14, 2018
Tim Sindlinger riding the recently logged section of the forest near the top of Ridge Road. -- August 14, 2018
Brent making his way over a rock shelf as the trail nears route 233 at the top of the mountain. -- August 14, 2018
GoPro footage that Brent took during our ride in Michaux State Forest -- August 14, 2018
Giving Tim and Brent a chance to converse prior to our descent down the ridge towards Tom's Run. -- August 14, 2018
I mountain biked other places this summer besides my Tuesday rides with Tim...but these weekly excursions are something I really look forward to. Tim and I have been riding together for almost 20 years now and I love that we've been able to maintain our friendship through this weekly summertime tradition. With the school year now about to begin, I'm hoping (and pretty positive) that Tim and I (along with everyone else in our mountain biking circle) will be able to connect over the next few months. Regardless, come next summer, I'm sure the two of us will be out mountain biking the first Tuesday we have off.
Wrapping up the summer the same way it began...taking in the view from the vista in Michaux State Forest. Amazingly breathtaking! -- August 14, 2018
Life is a journey...not a destination.
David A. Raymond -- August 19, 2018
Each ride at Michaux this summer ended with a trip to Mountain Creek Campground for ice cream. For some reason I was on a sherbet kick all summer long. My typical order...Two scoops, in a dish, with a sugar cone on top like a hat! -- August 14, 2018
A day off of the bicycle doesn't mean a day spent inside. With the end of summer in view, and the school year encroaching soon, I took my sixteen year old son, Alex, and his buddies (Robby and Austin) to Michaux State Forest for a day of hiking, picnicking, and exploring. Our day today was split into three parts. We planned to hike up through Tumbling Run Game Preserve, have a picnic lunch at the furnace stack in Pine Grove Furnace State Park , and then hike up to the top of Pole Steeple. Although the trail head at Tumbling Run is not marked, it is easy to get to if you know what you are looking for. After passing Pine Grove Furnace State Park on state route 233 (headed South) you will be looking for a obvious gravel parking area located on the right between Woodrow Road and Dead Woman's Hollow Road. It is important to know that the last "nice" bathrooms are located at the furnace stack at Pine Grove Furnace ...
My wife took me to Alaska this year. I had never been to that part of the world, nor have I ever seen such immense natural beauty in my entire life. For our 10th wedding anniversary we took a six day cruise from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada to Alaska and back. Along the way, we visited the Alaskan cities of Juneau, Skagway, and Ketchikan. We took a train ride into Yukon Territory, Canada. We saw whales, bald eagles, and countless salmon. Robin and I had the opportunity to hike along Bennett Lake, explore Glacier Bay National Park, and sail through Tracy’s Arm Inlet. It truly was one of the “bucket-list” trips that I could only dream of and it was fitting that I got to visit the 49th state during my 49th year on the planet. Thank you, Sweetheart! Robin and David Raymond. Welcome to Alaska! -- July 18, 2023 David and Robin Raymond in Tracy's Arm Inlet -- July 17, 2023 Approaching a glacier in Tracy's Arm Inlet -- July 17, 2023 ...
In the early 1980s my mom and dad began taking my brother, Jake, and I camping at Rocky Gap State Park near Cumberland, Maryland . During the summer months we seemingly went every weekend. I loved it there. Rocky Gap was just a short drive from our home in Bedford, Pennsylvania. We spent our days playing on the beach and fishing in the lake. My mother made incredible meals for us at the campground and each evening my dad would make a campfire. The campfire was my favorite part. My dad made mountain pies, my mom would make popcorn over the fire, and my brother and I would roast marshmallows and hot dogs. Our camping trips ended in the late 80s when both my brother and I reached high school. Our schedules were just too hectic. That was the last I would see of Rocky Gap for 25 years. Rocky Gap State Park and campgrounds sits at the base of Evitts Mountain in western Maryland -- May 30, 2016 When I began dating m...