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Last summer, Robin and I took our nieces, Jackie and Sophie...along with our nephew, Isaac, camping in Ohiopyle State Park. The trip was geared to doing kid oriented activities...but we could tell that Jackie, who was twelve at the time, would soon be ready to move onto to some bigger kid adventures...white water rafting, waterfall exploring, and hiking...the kind that stuff that Alex and I do on our yearly camping trips together. So, a promise was made to Jackie that, come next summer, she could join Alex and I on our yearly adventures.
Alex, Jackie, and David Raymond on an adventure to Jonathan Run Falls -- June 20, 2019
All good adventures start with going out for, after Alex, Jackie, and I had the gear packed and left my father's house...we headed to the Bedford Diner to get our day started. Fully aware that we couldn't check into our campsite at Ohiopyle until 3PM, I planned on a few small excursions on the way...basically bringing out the full history teacher nerd in me! Our first stop wasn't planned. I have memories of my parents stopping, with my brother and I, at the S.S. Grand View Point Hotel that straddled the side of Mount Ararat west of Shellsburg, Pennsylvania. We called it the "Ship Hotel" and I can specifically remember the sign on the side of the building which bragged that, from this point, you could "See 3 States and 7 Counties." Mom and Dad would let my brother and I view the surrounding area through the binoculars anchored to the deck of the "ship." The Grand View Point Hotel burned down in the Fall of 2001 and all that was left for Alex, Jackie, and I to see (besides a few pieces of the foundation covered in roadside vegetation) was the blue Mount Ararat elevation sign.
Our trip began with breakfast at the Bedford Dinner. -- June 17, 2019
Exploring the remains of the S. S. Grand View Point Hotel. -- June 17, 2019
Post card of the S. S. Grand View Point Hotel
The second detour, on our round-a-bout route to Ohiopyle was to see the now constructed (but still not operational) Tower of Voices at the Flight 93 National Memorial in Shanksville. Last year, Alex, Devin, and I visited the memorial...but the Tower of Voices was not yet built. The tower is 93 feet tall (in honor of American Airlines Fight 93) and contains 40 wind chimes constructed of polished aluminum tubes (representing the 40 passengers on Flight 93 who lost their lives on September 11, 2001. We didn't plan on stopping here...but I couldn't pass up the opportunity to show the memorial to my niece and pay respects for all those who lost their lives on that tragic day.
The Tower of Voices at the Flight 93 Memorial in Shanksville, PA . -- June 17, 2019
Tower of Voices -- June 17, 2019
The next stop along the route to Pennsylvania's Laurel Highlands, and Ohiopyle State Park, was Fort Ligonier. In 1979, my mother and father brought my brother and I to Fort Ligonier. I remember being there...but that's it. The history nerd in me really, really wanted to come back and see this French and Indian War era fortification along Forbes Road. Not only were the reconstructed fortifications fun to explore...but the museum attached to it was very interesting...and pretty hands on. The three of us enjoyed about two hours of 18th century nerdiness!
Fort Ligonier -- June 17
My brother, Jake, and I with our dad at Fort Ligonier. -- 1979
The interior of Fort Ligonier in Ligonier, PA. -- June 17, 2019
Jackie Raymond checking out the small swivel gun at Fort Ligonier. -- June 17, 2019
Jackie and Alex Raymond playing dress up (1750s style) at Fort Ligonier. -- June 17, 2019
Hanging out in the headquarters of General John Forbes, drinking coffee, and planning a route to Fort Duquesne. -- June 17, 2019
Guarding the gates at Fort Ligonier. Alex, David, and Jackie Raymond --June 17, 2019
By 3PM, we had finally arrived at our cabin in the Kentuck Campgrounds at Ohiopyle State Park. All camping trips start with getting the truck unloaded...organizing the cabin and sleeping arrangements...collecting firewood...and then ultimately, relaxing for the evening by the fire. Alex's dinner of choice on the first night of camping is hamburgers, bacon, and potatoes (wrapped in foil and cooked directly in the campfire). I was worried that Jackie would be bored...that the sitting around and relaxing by the fire part of camping wouldn't be her thing...but she was perfectly content to enjoy the piece and quiet while watching the flames dance around the logs in the fire ring.
Alex, David, and Jackie Raymond. Site 196 in Ohiopyle State Park. -- June 17, 2019 we go! First full day of camping and we headed out for, what Jackie had been waiting over a year for, our white water trip down the Youghiogheny River! There was a whole crew of us this step-daughter, Mia, made the journey from Carlisle, PA just to raft with good friend, Chris Keller (along with his three kids, Claudia, Trevor, and Dylan) had come to Ohiopyle to camp for a few days and raft...and of course, Devin Seiger was along. He drove up separately from Alex, Jackie, and I in his super cool new Jeep. Big kid adventures begin with big kid meals...Hungry Jack pancakes, black coffee, and bacon. Once everyone had their fill we headed down to town for our trip down the river.
Every rafting trip has to be preceded with a good breakfast of Hungry Jack pancakes, bacon, and coffee! -- June 18, 2019
Alex, Devin, and Jackie enjoying morning breakfast before rafting. -- June 18, 2019
White Water Adventures in Ohiopyle has treated me so well over the past few years. The staff has been great and the guides have been excellent. Alex, Devin, Mia, and I have done this a number of times...but with Jackie along I made extra certain that she payed attention to the guides safety talk and instructions. Within a few minutes were were paddling our way down (North actually, the Youghiogheny flows North) the River. The river was flowing a little high...which made the rapids especially fun. Jackie has a look of pure excitement and joy on her face in every single photograph I have of her going down the river. Alex, Devin, Mia, and Jackie were able to participate in a little extra curricular activities during our lunch brake and jump off some rocks into the river. The only nervous part for me was when Jackie was popped out of the raft...she kept her head about her and I was able to pull her back into the boat. It was a great day to be on the river.
Pre-White Water Rafting pic (minus Chris Keller...he was the one with the camera) -- June 18, 2019
This looks a little more treacherous than it actually was! We got some serious style points for this one. -- June 18, 2019
David Raymond, Jackie Raymond, Mia Arnold-Scott, Devin Seiger, and Alex Raymond -- June 18, 2019
One of the best rafting guides ever, Smiles, was along for our trip down the Yough. -- June 18, 2019
Chris, Claudia, Trevor, and Dylan Keller on the Youghiogheny. -- June 18, 2019
Jackie earned her rafting hoodie after her first white water adventure. -- June 18, 2019
Post rafting dinner at the campsite with Alex, Devin, Jackie, and the Keller family -- June 18, 2019
Some of the big kid actives are a little more low key. We spend a lot of our time walking around Ohiopyle...visiting the bakery and just hanging out by the river. Alex and Devin took Jackie to the natural water slide for a little bit...but the water was too high for them to use it.
Most of our evenings were spent hanging out at the campsite and eating good food...beef soup, smores, mountain pies, sausages, and burgers. There was even a "cousin watermelon eating contest" between Alex and Jackie. I think Jackie, with watermelon juice dripping off of her shins, gets the trophy this year.
Hanging out in the town of Ohiopyle, Pennsylvania. Not sure why Jackie didn't want a hug from her Uncle Dave. -- June 19, 2019
Jackie Raymond relaxing and taking in the peaceful setting of the Youghigheny River flowing through Ohiopyle, PA. -- June 20, 2019
Cousins, Jackie and Alex Raymond, having a watermelon eating contest at the campsite. Jackie won! -- June 20, 2019
Last summer, Alex, Devin, and I had planned on hiking Jonathan Run trail...a part of the State Park that I had never been too...but last year's torrential rains not only washed out the trail, but annihilated the wooded bridges that cross over Jonathan Run creek. This year, with the trail finally reopened, we made our way down the side of the mountain...hoping to see the incredible waterfalls that are near the bottom of the ridge. The trail was open, but none of us were ready for the constant mud that made up the trail most of the way down. For a while, we tried to avoid it but that was impossible. It was easier to trek ankle deep through the soft mud than it was to slip and slide around it.
Crossing one of the wooded bridges on Jonathan Run Trail. -- June 20, 2019
I'd like to say that only a small section of Jonathan Run looked like this...but, if I had to guess, I'd say about 60% of our hike down Jonathan Run was a mud fest! Alex and Jackie Raymond -- June 20, 2019
Devin, Alex, and Jackie on Jonathan Run Trail. -- June 20, 2019
Cousins comparing how muddy they got! -- June 20, 2019
I captured this pic of Jonathan Run was taken from the middle of the creek. After a while, no one cared how wet or muddy their feet were! -- June 20, 2019
Jonathan Run Trail parallels Jonathan Run creek from the top of the ridge down to the Great Allegheny Passage. There were spots that were we could cross into the creek, skip some rocks, and wash some of the mud from our shoes. I had expected the trail to lead directly to the waterfalls...but that wasn't the case. In order to get down to the secluded Jonathan Run falls the four of us had to descend down a muddy and rooty embankment. There was an super handy rope tied to the trees so that hikers could easily climb in and out of the area. This added a really cool, and completely unexpected, element to our hike. What we found was absolutely beautiful and picturesque. Well worth our sloppy march through the mud!
The descent down to the main falls of Jonathan Run is pretty steep. Luckily, there was a rope tied to the trees to help people get in and out of the area. -- June 20, 2019
Jonathan Run Falls -- June 20, 2019
Jonathan Run Falls in Ohiopyle State Park. -- June 20, 2019
Devin Seiger, Alex, Jackie, and David Raymond at Jonathan Run Falls. -- June 20, 2019
During the times when Alex, Jackie, and Devin were out doing some of their own exploring...I managed to get out and some of my own on my mountain bike. Last year, I explored trails in the Sugarloaf area east of the town of Ohiopyle. This year, I stayed closer to to the campgrounds so that I could do all of my riding without needing Alex or Devin to pick me up anywhere. I spent most of my time mountain biking on, and around, Great Gorge Trail or on the Great Allegheny Passage. Great Gorge was super cool...leading directly out of the Kentuck Campgrounds, descending down towards the Great Allegheny Passage, and then turning and riding the ridge overlooking the Youghiogheny River...eventually leading to Cucumber Falls. From there I rode back into the town, hopped onto the Great Allegheny Passage, and was able to ride directly back to the campgrounds. I super fun (and convenient) ride.
My Stumpjumper leaning against a trail sign in Ohiopyle State Park. -- June 19, 2019
I thought this section of the Great Allegheny Passage was beautiful. -- June 17, 2019
Taking a moment on the bridge that passes over the Great Gorge on the Great Allegheny Passage. -- June 17, 2019
The bridge on the Great Allegheny Passage passing over the Youghiogheny River. -- June 17, 2019
The Great Allegheny Passage -- June 17, 2019
David Raymond on Great Gorge Trail in Ohiopyle State Park. -- June 19, 2019
Great Gorge Trail in Ohiopyle State Park. -- June 19, 2019
There are some traditions from my childhood that have gone by the wayside...but I'm glad this one has not. My grandparents brought my parents to Ohiopyle, my parents brought my brother and I to Ohiopyle, and every year I bring my son...and now my niece. All vacations seem to fly by...but it always amazes me how quickly the time passes when I go camping in Ohiopyle. On Monday, with the whole week ahead of us, we sit by the fire and think of all the adventures we have planned, and then, before you know it, it's Friday morning and we're packing up the site and heading home. Only for few weeks, though...then I'll be back again with my wife, Robin, and with Alex. I'm sure there will be at least a few adventures planned.
Halfway though our trip we had a pretty serious glitch when we lost the brakes in my old Silverado. Fortunately, we were able to get the vehicle stopped and pulled over along side of the road. A special shout out to E Q Muffler and Auto Center for fixing the break lines on my old Silverado in such short White Water Adventures for giving me a lift the 15 miles into Uniontown, Pennsylvania to pick up the truck...and to Devin for hauling us around the rest of the weekend in his jeep! You all are great! -- June 21, 2019
Life is a journey...not a destination.
David A. Raymond -- July 1, 2019
A little post-mountain biking snack. One of our favorite things at Ohiopyle are the cream filled cookies that we get at the Ohiopyle Bakery. Love the big comfy chairs out back! -- June 19, 2019
A day off of the bicycle doesn't mean a day spent inside. With the end of summer in view, and the school year encroaching soon, I took my sixteen year old son, Alex, and his buddies (Robby and Austin) to Michaux State Forest for a day of hiking, picnicking, and exploring. Our day today was split into three parts. We planned to hike up through Tumbling Run Game Preserve, have a picnic lunch at the furnace stack in Pine Grove Furnace State Park , and then hike up to the top of Pole Steeple. Although the trail head at Tumbling Run is not marked, it is easy to get to if you know what you are looking for. After passing Pine Grove Furnace State Park on state route 233 (headed South) you will be looking for a obvious gravel parking area located on the right between Woodrow Road and Dead Woman's Hollow Road. It is important to know that the last "nice" bathrooms are located at the furnace stack at Pine Grove Furnace ...
My wife took me to Alaska this year. I had never been to that part of the world, nor have I ever seen such immense natural beauty in my entire life. For our 10th wedding anniversary we took a six day cruise from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada to Alaska and back. Along the way, we visited the Alaskan cities of Juneau, Skagway, and Ketchikan. We took a train ride into Yukon Territory, Canada. We saw whales, bald eagles, and countless salmon. Robin and I had the opportunity to hike along Bennett Lake, explore Glacier Bay National Park, and sail through Tracy’s Arm Inlet. It truly was one of the “bucket-list” trips that I could only dream of and it was fitting that I got to visit the 49th state during my 49th year on the planet. Thank you, Sweetheart! Robin and David Raymond. Welcome to Alaska! -- July 18, 2023 David and Robin Raymond in Tracy's Arm Inlet -- July 17, 2023 Approaching a glacier in Tracy's Arm Inlet -- July 17, 2023 ...
In the early 1980s my mom and dad began taking my brother, Jake, and I camping at Rocky Gap State Park near Cumberland, Maryland . During the summer months we seemingly went every weekend. I loved it there. Rocky Gap was just a short drive from our home in Bedford, Pennsylvania. We spent our days playing on the beach and fishing in the lake. My mother made incredible meals for us at the campground and each evening my dad would make a campfire. The campfire was my favorite part. My dad made mountain pies, my mom would make popcorn over the fire, and my brother and I would roast marshmallows and hot dogs. Our camping trips ended in the late 80s when both my brother and I reached high school. Our schedules were just too hectic. That was the last I would see of Rocky Gap for 25 years. Rocky Gap State Park and campgrounds sits at the base of Evitts Mountain in western Maryland -- May 30, 2016 When I began dating m...