LABOR DAY IN THE CITY OF YORK -- September 7, 2015

Early morning sun rising over the parking lots in North York -- September 7, 2015
I decided to get up early on this Labor Day to get my ride in.  Two years ago, as a Christmas gift, my lovely wife, Robin, promised me trip to Lancaster, PA to visit Wheatland, the home of our 15th president, James Buchanan.  Well, today I took her up on it.  Our tour started at 10 AM so I had to be back from my ride by 8:15.  
All Trails led me to this Friendly's ice cream truck today -- September 7, 2015

Leaving the house I had a pretty ambitious ride in mind.  Once the reality of my time frame hit me I adapted my plans and managed to get a really fun (and nerdy) ride in.  I originally wanted to head out towards Indian Rock Dam...and to do that I needed to pass though  West York.  I decided to take the Susquehanna Trail almost all the way to Rt. 30.  I cut through some shopping center parking lots which were empty with the exception of an ice cream truck making a delivery to the Rt. 30 Friendly's.  Once out of West York, and knowing that Indian Rock Dam was out of the question, I doubled back towards the city and behind York College of Pennsylvania.  

Codorus Creek looking north from College Avenue -- September 7, 2015

Moving towards the city I turned onto College Avenue and crossed the Codorus Creek.  I took a moment to check out the view.  It was a perspective of the creek, and of the city, that I don't think I've ever seen.  Looping around Penn Common, and then zigzagging my way through York City,  I ended up near First Presbyterian Church on East Market Street.  

First Presbyterian Church in York, PA -- Septermber 7, 2015
Buried on the church grounds is James Smith, signer of the Declaration of Independence.  In the 1760s Smith emerged as a leader of colonial rights.  In 1776 he was appointed to the Second Continental Congress which was meeting in Philadelphia.  He served in the congress for two years.  

Grave marker for James Smith, signer of the Declaration of Independence -- September 7, 2015
Pennsylvania Historical Marker outside of First Presbyterian on East Market Street in York, PA -- September 7, 2015
My trip home was literally a straight line down George Street into Manchester.  I got home just in time to leave with my incredible wife, Robin, for President Buchanan's house in Lancaster.  I can't think of a more perfect day.  Time with my wife...time getting my "nerd" on...and time with my bike.  Yep...perfect.

Robin and David Raymond at Wheatland, the home of President James Buchanan -- September 7, 2015

Life is a journey, not a destination.

David A. Raymond -- September 7, 2015

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