Normally I plan my rides for early in the morning. I've always been an early riser and I love getting my daily workout in before I have to do anything else that day. It sets the tone for the rest of the day. My wife says that she loves this about me. I needed to sleep today, though. I've been extremely tired. My body woke me up at 8AM today....just in time for my weekly breakfast date with the beautiful Robin. There were other things on the agenda today, too. Alex had two baseball games. I just decided to take my bike to West York and ride during the first couple innings of his first game.
Sprenkle Road heading west towards Spring Grove, PA -- September 19, 2015 |
I started today's ride about 200 yards from my old house. It was a weird feeling to be back in that neighborhood. I wanted to ride things I haven't ridden for a while. Turns out that I rode some roads that I've never been on. Leaving Shiloh I headed towards Spring Grove, PA. I didn't have any thoughts of actually going beyond Spring Grove. I wanted to be back to see the last couple innings of Alex's first game.
The farm fields in south and west of York are some of my favorite destinations on my road bike. Those back roads just roll and roll and seemingly do not end. Sometimes it feels like you can just ride all day long. Riding out Route 116 I had every intention of turning right and doubling back towards Thomasville, PA; but, as you probably have figured out by now, when I'm on my bike I very rarely stick to my original plan. Turning left put me on Stoverstown Road. New territory for me. Cool.
Train tracks on Grandview Road looking North towards Spring Grove, PA -- September 19, 2015 |
The "greenest" pond I've ever seen. Sunnyside Road -- September 19, 2015 |
Sunnyside Road turned out to be a treat. Up and down and fast. It was here that I passed the "greenest" pond that I had ever seen. These back roads didn't disappoint. Picturesque farm fields and train tracks. Just what I was looking for today. Eventually I did head back towards Thomasville and then turned left onto Route 30. Not the best road to ride on...but traffic wasn't heavy.
Thomasville Airport and Rt. 30 -- September 19, 2015 |
Passing the Thomasville Airport I turned onto Lake Road. I've ridden this road many times....just not in this direction. It brought me to roads that I am extremely familiar with: Canal, Big Mount, and Admire. The late September farm fields provided an excellent backdrop. It was nice to be out today but I love watching my son play ball. Time to head back and cheer him on. What a great to be outside.
David A. Raymond -- September 19, 2015