It never ceases to amaze me how our busy and hectic world seems to vanish from view when seen from the top of a mountain. I know that there are cars and roads and houses down there...but Mother Nature always seems to engulf everything in her immense and raw beauty. That beauty is what draws me, and so many others, to our county and State parks and forests. Just here, in Pennsylvania, our state parks and forests play host to about 40 million visitors each and every year. All of these visitors naturally have some sort of impact on our state parks and forests. Even if all of the rules and guidelines are strictly followed by every user, it is inevitable that there will be soil compression and litter from all of the foot traffic. Looking out over the valley in Michaux State Forest from a vista on Blueberry Trail. Photo by Alex Raymond -- April 10, 2020 This year, to escape stay at home orders, many more people have ventured into the parks and forests...